Ideas, Inventions, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Should I even bother? How Can I Make My Strategic Plan More Successful

First Published on September 15, 2020 The Strategic planning process is FAILING to deliver!!! This may be because many consultants and firm strategists may believe that developing a strategic direction is only about writing a plan. A strategic formulation process is one in which the objectives may focus on firm improvement, firm expansion and in many cases firm...

The new entrepreneurial path of the University of the West Indies: Interview with Professor Stephan Gift

The creation of an entrepreneurial ecosystem in the UWI is the mandate of Professor Stephan Gift and this officially became his mission on August 1st 2018. This is part and parcel of his duties as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Graduate Studies and Research. Professor Gift speaks with such passion, such conviction, about championing innovation and industry at...

The Impact of Visual Arts on Business

What is the Visual Arts? Is it relevant to the functional world of business?   When I think of Visual Arts, immediately paintings and sculptures come to mind. I remember Fine Art - Expressive, creative, therapeutic growing up, loving art, but never seeing its true value. In a way, I was one of those persons who saw art as...

Revised triple helix for local gov’t reform

Lisa Allen-Agostini of the NEWSDAY interviewed the CEO Lincoln Bobb on the presentation of his paper at the Commonwealth Local Government Conference in Valletta, Malta - November 2017 Click here to see CEO Lincoln Bobb discuss The Triple Helix Way on CNC3   Wednesday 20 December 2017 Revised triple helix for local gov’t reform LISA ALLEN-AGOSTINI Business consultant Lincoln Bobb has...

Opinion: Malta’s jurisdictional innovation – JP Fabri

Government's announcement earlier this week that the world's first legal framework for blockchain, artificial intelligence and Internet of Things devices will be launched is welcome and promising. We are today witnessing the birth of what could be another important economic sector. These technologies are disrupting many other industries and are seen to be the catalysts...